5 Reasons Why Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Extracted
1. Extreme pain and discomfort
Wisdom teeth cause pain
when they erupt. If they erupt incorrectly, the pain is extreme and persistent.
Any tooth pain or sensitivity is an indicator that something is very wrong and must be addressed immediately. When it comes to wisdom teeth, extreme discomfort and pain can mean jawbone damage, tooth crowding, and infection.
Getting your wisdom teeth
is a perfectly normal part of adulthood. However, the emergence of your third
molars does not come without its issues. The eruption of wisdom teeth often
leads to extreme pain, discomfort, infection, and even jawbone damage. As a
result, wisdom teeth typically need to be extracted.
2. Crowding and damage
to other teeth
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth
to emerge in adults. This means that the rest of your adult teeth are already
in the right positions when the wisdom teeth emerge. As a result, the arrival
of your wisdom teeth can cause your current teeth to shift, which leads to
Overcrowding brings with it a variety of negative effects. For example, it can cause tooth sensitivity, bite problems, and pain. It can also ruin your perfect smile!
Additionally, overcrowding can
make good oral hygiene difficult. There may be areas of your teeth that are far
harder to reach with a toothbrush. If this happens, you are at a higher risk of
tooth decay or cavities
Jawbone damage
All teeth
form in the jaws before erupting through the gums. However, if there is not
enough space for the wisdom teeth to correctly emerge, this can damage the
jawbone. This results in impaired motion and function of the mouth, as well as
extreme pain and discomfort.
Inflamed gums
Wisdom teeth that erupt incorrectly can seriously damage the surrounding gums. For example, wisdom teeth that emerge at an angle cause the gums to swell and become difficult to clean. If you can